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Darth Maul, Heroes is bringing great stuff

Darth Maul, Heroes is bringing great stuff

I am still recovering of the Robert Knepper addition to the Heroes staff and now we hear that the guy who had the role of Darth Maul in Star Wars Episode I is also in the table; The guy is Ray Park and he will take the role of one of the guys of the Carnival and according to Ausellio he might be the “Knife Thrower”.

I’m very impressed with the quality of actors Heroes is bringing, it makes me believe that not even Kristen Bell was in the same level that all of these new actors.

But that’s not all. Another actress is being recruited for the deaf love interest for one of our guys (I bet it is Peter) the girl is Deanne Bray, this totally fixes with the casting call since Bray is actually deaf; she so talented she’s been in CSI (you have to remember she was Grissom’s “friend” for one episode); The L World and her main role in Sue Thomas F.B.Eye.

This is so so awesome, it freaks me out so many good actors in this new stage but Bryan Fuller and Tim Kring must have something in hands, all these actors are awesome, awesome.  I wanna see them now!

But let’s see them acting:

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